Any student's success is dependent upon good communication and cooperation between parent(s) and teachers. Please feel free to contact the school office or your student's teacher whenever you have questions or concerns.
We also welcome questions from the community, parents of prospective students, or anyone wishing to learn more about our school.
Phone & Fax
Phone: (763) 509-9378
Fax: (763) 509-0861
Calling after regular office hours or occasionally during the day may result in your reaching the voice mail system. Please leave a message, and we will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.
You may contact West via e-mail at
Many teachers and staff also have individual e-mail addresses listed on the Faculty/Staff page, and some classes and activities have specific e-mails listed throughout our site.
To report your student's absence, please email:
If you wish to visit the school, please call our office at (763) 509-9378. In the interests of safety, the school building will be locked during the school-day, visitors please check in at our main entrance. All visitors are required to register at the office immediately upon arrival. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the school at least part of a day. This visit should be arranged with the principal.